2nd Grade Behavior Scale and Expectations
Classroom Expectations- The 5 P's
Be Positive- Believe that you can!
Be Polite- Be kind to others.
Be Prompt- Be on time and complete your classwork on time.
Be Patient - Raise your hand and wait your turn.
Be Prepared - Be ready for the day and think ahead!
Teacher's Choice - Mrs. McLean will choose an appropriate consequence (cool down time, loss of recess, write a reflection, move seat, take away a privilege like Chromebooks, daily 5 or math choice activity, or free time)
Parent Contact
Speak with Mr. Borchard
Be Positive- Believe that you can!
Be Polite- Be kind to others.
Be Prompt- Be on time and complete your classwork on time.
Be Patient - Raise your hand and wait your turn.
Be Prepared - Be ready for the day and think ahead!
Teacher's Choice - Mrs. McLean will choose an appropriate consequence (cool down time, loss of recess, write a reflection, move seat, take away a privilege like Chromebooks, daily 5 or math choice activity, or free time)
Parent Contact
Speak with Mr. Borchard